Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Dia de Los Muertos

Dia de Los Muertos

Dia de los Muertos is considered to be the most popular holiday.  It is a day that the people of Mexico regards as the one day that the people who are living have the opportunity to reconnect with their friends or loved ones that have passed on in life.  The Mexicans believe no one ever dies, but that the person´s soul stays in limbo, until it is time to reconnect with their living kin.  This day is considered to be a joyous day.  For one day out of the year these people have the opportunity to remember all the good times that they shared, and feel as if the person is almost there with them for that one day.  This day is celebrated on November 1st and November 2nd.  Generally people create personal alters in their house to celebrate the dead.  During the celebration there are great feasts, parades, people dressing up, colorful flowers(to portray life), etc... All of these things signify life and help the people remember the good times they shared with their loved ones, and in the end, remind those still living that although their friends and family might not be with them physically, they will always be with them spiritually.